How I use and what I use on my iPhone

* Inspired by Michael Hyatt post on 3/21/2010 (
I got my iPhone on March 2008, and it is one of those little devices (and the first one for me) that I have no need to change, I love my iPhone.
The iPhone has change the way I do mobile computing, I noticed how much I spend on my iPhone instead of the MacBook, and it is one of the reasons I believe the iPad is going to be a success, I spend a lot of time on my iPhone, I am expecting to spend also a lot of time on the iPad.
My complaint is the battery, but not for the reasons people has, I am aware, that my battery issues had nothing to do with the iPhone and everything to do with the use I give to the tool (same as the rest of the users, just they haven’t discover that, and instead blame the device). I charge my iPhone at least twice a day, on weekends sometimes is more than that, but I understand that I use my iPhone a lot. Technically I abuse the iPhone, but I am not ready to admit that, guess I just did.
I use my iPhone to read, surf, email, twitter, write, chat and much more.
One of my favorites things is the spotlight on the iPhone, I believe that change the way I interact with the iPhone, I have on the first page, my use all day apps, everything else, I search using spotlight.

Not counting the ones that come pre-installed on the iPhone, I have nine applications that I consider key, and make it to the main page.
Notebook by Appigo: I have here all my reference memos, this were many of the Memos from my old Palm days end up. I have as this writing over 175 memos or notes, from things related to Work, Personal, CheckLists, Reference Information and more. I rely on this application, and I recommended all the time.
Evernote: This is something that came recently to my iPhone, I installed, and uninstalled, because you could not access your notes offline, all that has change, and Evernote is my Writing Notebook, actually this post was wrote on Evernote, and finalized on WordPress (for the iPhone). Actually Evernote is one of those applications that I am looking forward to see on my iPad next week.
Tweetie 2 by Atebits: I love twitter, and I do a lot on the Mac, but I love the portability of Tweetie on the iPhone.
Byline by Phantom Fish: This is what I use to read my RSS, and I am eagerly waiting for version three. The reason is mainly integration with Twitter and Instapaper. Sadly until that happen, I tend to mark the stuff and then open RSS Flash G by Ebisu Soft, that allow this 2 things. I hope Phantom Fish release version 3 soon.
Instapaper Pro by Marco Arment: There is no enough words of praise for this application, Marco Arment, has done an incredible job, and it is without a doubd my favorite application on the iPhone, and most likely one of the applications that I am looking forward to play on the iPad next week, this application is probably the best application on the iPhone.
Kindle for iPhone by Amazon:I am a library rat, I love to read, and most of my readings today happen on the Amazon Kindle, I also have eReader By FictionWise (Part of Barnes and Noble), since I have over 150 books that I have bough to them over the years, and also use Stanza By Lexicle (part of Amazon), since allow me to convert other kind of unprotected files and read them on the iPhone.
Finally, I use OmniFocus by OmniGroup: I have been a GTDer since 2003, and when I move to the Mac in 2009 I got Omnifocus, syncs over the air with my Mac and iPhone and is a really powerful application, if you take the time to learn it.
I use many more applications on the iPhone, but this ones are my key ones, if I lost all the others, I will be able to continue moving forward. I want also to make a special mention to: WordWeb that I use for my Dictionary, Calling Card, Splash ID and  Mint, since even that they didn’t make it to the first page, are applications that I access constantly.

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Augusto Pinaud

Augusto Pinaud es Coach de Tecnología de Productividad Bilingüe, Especialista en Nozbe Teams. Augusto trabaja con dueños y gerentes de pequeñas empresas, ejecutivos y profesionales en productividad, tecnología y mejora de procesos utilizando una variedad de tecnologías de productividad.