It is interesting what happens after you write a book and give it to the world. Honestly when this happens the books is not your property anymore, as an Author you are not sure if this is the best thing ever or the biggest sadness.
I wrote NO, because I saw the increasing need in learn how to use it. I wrote NO, with the idea that invites you to think. I wrote NO, because it was something I was in need to tell to the world and to myself.
The most interesting thing, is that it is not mine anymore, it belong to the world.
The comments I had receive about the book are simply amazing, thanks!. There are few things that will make a writer smile and tremble and explode on emotion and at the same time be terrified and sit yourself in a corner than when you receive some of the comments I have regarding this book.
If you had yet not had the chance to read it, I invite you. It is a short book, maybe the best two hours of your weekend.
This is a quote of the book, I hope you enjoy it:
“Most people believe that you need to learn to say NO to others, the real challenge is in learn to say NO to yourself.”
Do you believe that you know how to say NO to yourself, I invite you to read this short book, it’s possible that what you believe change forever.
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