Are you telling me to write the excuses am I telling myself? Why? Are you insane?
It may be, but no. Excuses are many times fears in disguise. At least many of my own are.
What happen when you begin writing them down is you begin notice the patterns and if you pay attention you will be able to noticed why you are telling you what, and if you are interested in do something about it.
So next time you tell yourself an excuse, stop and write it down. You don’t need to do anything else, the process of writing it down, one next to the other will trigger an interesting process. Be ready to listen to the truth behind the excuse, in many cases, the fear.
i.e. I told myself for years that I couldn’t write in Spanish. Honestly I was afraid of images that I allow people place in my mind as a kid regarding writing, and honestly took me a lot of effort to understood, identify the fear, and change the excuse to something good.
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