The short answer is yes. It is possible to be #iPhone6+Only as much as it was possible to be #iPhoneOnly for a while. We had not been the first people to go #iPadOnly and to do things with the iPad or the iPhone as the Main Machine.
In 2012 Patrick Rhone wrote his book ”Enough” just using his iPhone and the iPad. Patrick had constantly mention that he works on his iPhone constantly, even more than what he sometimes uses his iPad.
The reality is that for many people their iPhones are their main machine – they just don’t know it, but it is the computer they use most often – and as their main machine the new big screen on the iPhone 6+ will allow you to do even more, more comfortable.
In my initial play with the iPhone 6+ I really got fascinated. The size makes the typing on the iPhone even better. I can’t type (at any decent speed) on Portrait Mode on my iPad (even that Portrait is my favorite position if I am using a keyboard) what creates that if I am not going to be off a table and it is something short, I will pick the iPhone over the iPad.
Based on the initial tests, with this screen I will be even able to read better and write faster, that are two things that really I am interested in. I think the device will play an important role in my arsenal of technology when arrives. I understand that in my ear looks really big, but I rarely pick the phone, I usually use the headset, so that part doesn’t bother me at all.
Since the iPad came into the market we have read about this or that device that it is going to kill the iPad, that it is going to make the iPad obsolete, but so far no one had accomplish that mission. I think that for the first time such device exist for all those users that need to use a Laptop in addition to their phone, there is really no need to use the iPad. For everything else you will use the computer (and if you have a Mac you will use continuity that based on my beta tests is amazing!). If you are now #iPadOnly the story may play differently.
I think that for many the iPhone 6+ it is going to be the device that will kill the iPad, for many this is the first device that will create that addiction that the Blackberry created many years ago. The device is amazing.
The question is if It is possible to be #iPhone6+Only?
There are people that will be able to do it, without any issues. I particularly don’t see myself going that route, but without a doubt I see myself carrying the iPad much less in favor of the iPhone 6+, specially when it is a short trip in the city.
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