I never said I will give up again

Daniel Koontz yesterday post a great post on writing and giving up. If you had nit read it you should, go here.
The interesting thing with giving up, is that you never give up, you just feel bad about it. I had wrote yesterday post for this blog somedays ago, and I got a lot of encourage messages, but contrary of the article I was not unhappy in any way, actually, I was finishing another post for the Blog of Mind Like Monkey, called: Happiness is a Choice.
I gave up writing, I gave up calling myself a writer, I gave up on my dream of be a published author, at least long time ago, but there was no sense, I love being a writer, I love to say things that inspire the heart to pump, I love to be able to see people get a tear of emotion, I love to move emotions out of the heart of people, I love have a trail of emotions that follow the stuff I write.
Regardless if I give up, the reality is that I can’t, I can’t stop writing and feeling good about it, I am sure I will be able to convince myself of all the reasons why I shouldn’t write, but as prove by my own experience, the writer heart will come back, and I will feel bad of all the opportunities that I had waste and I could have spent writing.
I love the fact that Daniel call it a decease based on Max Hastings books ‘The Korean War‘ and need to agree, is a terrible decease that fill you with fear, doubt, and make you feel really bad, but more importantly, kill your soul, take away your ability to appreciate life, to contemplate the little things, to enjoy a good sad afternoon, to express a happy night, or an incredible morning. If you stop writing, you stop noticing the stuff that your writer heart look around, and you will be loosing those precious moments, those moments, where your words can inspire a tear from someone else, the moments that your writer heart simply blow you and others away.

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Published by

Augusto Pinaud

Augusto Pinaud es Coach de Tecnología de Productividad Bilingüe, Especialista en Nozbe Teams. Augusto trabaja con dueños y gerentes de pequeñas empresas, ejecutivos y profesionales en productividad, tecnología y mejora de procesos utilizando una variedad de tecnologías de productividad.