Yesterday I had plan a lot of writing, and life got in the middle, so out of the many I was planning, I was only able to accomplish 194.
Life change, and when you are in the middle of it, you can go from be a highly productive person, to the most unproductive person in the world. Two weeks ago I leave my job after four years, many reason, among others we are moving out of state. I am having a Lap Band surgery next monday and I am in the final edits of my First Public novel, tentatively “The Writer” a Mistery-Crime-Triller kind.
I have being public about the fact that I love Carlos Ruiz Zafon book “The Shadow of the Wind”, when I read that book and research him a little, I found him saying in one interview, that he writes the books he loves to read, well I am doing the same, I begin this book on NanoWrimo 2009, and took me the whole year to finish it. Now I am in the final editing part so it can get to the test readers and then I will begin the hard work. Also I need to hurry, since I am participating in NanoWrimo 2010 and I am already behind.
I will be talking soon more about the book, and the new book, and some other projects that are coming on my way, some of them from Califonia, and I hope many more from Fort Wayne, Indiana.
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