The mighty first draft

I remember when I finish my first novel, I was 19. I tough is was like in the movies, you type ‘The End’ and the story was there. In a way today, I continue hoping the same, even that I know is not. The story was, but I learn later that it was in his most vulgar, and raw form. When I wrote ‘The Writer’, the novel that I will be publishing in May, I remember reading that first draft (actually the third first draft, since I toss the first two) it was bad, poor, it need it so much work and love, vulgar and raw.
Many hours later, it was done, and I was able to send it to beta readers and have fun with it, but it wasn’t that fist daft that make the book readable, but was that draft that put the rules, and the guidelines for the next steps. Going from first draft to readable draft is painful, difficult, but it can also be fun, I could see how much the story grow, how much I miss little things, how much I amaze myself with others.
This weekend I finish the first draft of my next novel, today, I will begin editing, and I am not sure yet, if I will toss it or will work on it, but I am sure, that if it’s decent enough, understand that set the guidelines of the story good enough, I will have a lot of nights, editing the job, and making it to other people can read it too, and hopefully even enjoy it.
The mighty first daft is an important step in the writing journey, but you can’t forget is just that, a step, you need to continue writing, you need to clean, to fix, to make sense and to remove all the fat that isn’t in any way part of the story, otherwise, what you have is a journal entry, but not a novel, or worse, something that your reader will not be able to enjoy.

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Published by

Augusto Pinaud

Augusto Pinaud es Coach de Tecnología de Productividad Bilingüe, Especialista en Nozbe Teams. Augusto trabaja con dueños y gerentes de pequeñas empresas, ejecutivos y profesionales en productividad, tecnología y mejora de procesos utilizando una variedad de tecnologías de productividad.