The iPad as a Writer Tool. Editing the Manuscript

I work on text files on my novels until they are ready for primetime, read, until someone else are going to read them. Until that moment most of the work happen in Text Files, that sync with my Dropbox and Scrivener in my mac.
After I write that first raw draft, the fun (or I say so) begins, editing the manuscript, this is a two to ten more readings of the whole thing. ‘The Writer’ (the novel that I will be publishing at the end of this month) was read, and edit fourteen times most of them in the iPad, wasn’t until I share to my beta readers that I begin working on the word file in Pages. Until then, it was in text files that I work on, edit, play and read.
It’s really cool, to carry the novel with you, to sit and edit another page, to discover something else. I am this week beginning with the third read on the new novel, the story is out, and I am looking forward to take the stuff that I tell about and make the content evolve so I show more and tell less, a really hard and complex work, at least for me, but one of the most entertaining things, when you accomplish them.
I remember on one of the really earlier manuscripts of this novel, on the original idea (that went directly to the trash)a paragraph that reads:
“Peter love the speed that a Porsche could generate, he love the feeling that the adrenaline make in his body, the feeling going at ninety miles approaching the curve and feel how the car grab the road with desperation, like a little kid grab the hand of their parent when is afraid, that scary grab that bring security and peace, but that not only the little kid know can be break but the driver knows it could be a matter of seconds to be out of the road”
That desperation feeling, that little kid grabbing the side of the road or the hand of the parent, letting you see the fear on his eyes, and hoping you will hold, you will hold them tight and keep him safe…  That is what you look when you begin the editing process.
The iPad will not do the final editing, but allow me to work on those, not yet ready files, and edit the manuscript, work on it, and allow the manuscript to evolve to the show stage from the telling stage in witch usually all manuscripts are.

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Augusto Pinaud

Augusto Pinaud es Coach de Tecnología de Productividad Bilingüe, Especialista en Nozbe Teams. Augusto trabaja con dueños y gerentes de pequeñas empresas, ejecutivos y profesionales en productividad, tecnología y mejora de procesos utilizando una variedad de tecnologías de productividad.