I am not writing anymore, I am done with following the dream, I am over this idea…
That’s what i told myself in 1,999, and I did, I stop reading, writing and got serious in life. My writer knew how to be writer, but didn’t knew how to have a more complete life.
When I decided to get back into the boat of writing in 2009, ten years after I had quit, my writer continue to be this brat kid, that want it to write, and no more, but he found himself with a wife, a baby, a mortgage, car payments and more, and he had trown so many tantrums at all those, he want it to write, to sit in a quiet place and write.
Did I mention that I spend a lot of time at home with a two year old? I love my baby, she is amazing, but she will interrupt you every fifteen seconds, sometimes every five seconds. I love that, when I am not writing, (or reading) but when my writer show up (everyday if you ask) it drive him nuts, he want silence, he want a steamy cup of coffee (good coffee mind you) and silence.
Some mornings, when that is not available, he quit, he announce that he is not writing anymore, and among other things then is my job to bring him to the chair to write again.
Write is a hard work, when you learn to write into that quiet environment, without distractions, train yourself to a different kind of writing is hard, but it’s possible and is doable, you just need a lot of attention on the training part.
Since 2009, when I decide to begin writing again, and accomplish my dream of being a writer, I finish a novel. I have tell here, that I wrote it 3 times, because I hate the first two manuscripts. This novel is called The Writer and is in the final editorial steps and should be in kindle, paperback, nook, kobo and sony by the end of the month. I also had work on a short Novella (around 30,000 words) called Putsch, and I finally finish the manuscript and I am under the third revision now. If this one continue as it goes so far, should go to the editor next week, and to publishing soon after. I send to the editor, then to beta-readers and then if changes happen to the editor again. (That’s the reason The Writer is back in the editors hand)
Update your passions, and integrate them in your life is hard, actually is painful, especially if you discover those passions early in life, before many of the real and self created responsibilities were created, but is your job to understand how far you want to push those passions, how far you want to enjoy them. I may or may not be able to generate the income to be a full time writer anytime soon, but I am enjoying any moment that I can sit and write, even when my writer comes and said: I am not writing anymore.
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