If you go to an office, most likely you have a bag that it is with you constantly. Your daily bag. Your computer, papers, and more are contain in there. You carry that with you, constantly. Well it is time to purge it. (and you better do it constantly)
You will find useless stuff, outdated stuff, stuff you should leave at home or at the office (like the extra charger or the external mouse) and stuff that never make it to work or to home. Purge the bag!
Most people just use the bag, carry the bag, use the bag. Add stuff that become obsolete but never leave the bag. Complaint about how heavy it is and think, someday, I should or I would, but that day never happen.
Try once a week to purge the bag. Sunday, before the week begins. Empty the bag. Think for a moment before bring anything back to the bag. If there is doubt when you grab something, the answer is NO.
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