Sometimes is better the one that do one thing

It’s not a secret that I love to read. I have been reading over 52 books per year for a really long time. On the same lines, it’s not a secret that I love ebooks. I began reading ebooks on my Palm Pilot, (yes many, many years ago). Lastly isn’t a secret that I love my iPad and my iPhone that can do everything.

I try the Original Kindle and like it, but at the time I choose to continue reading in my Palm or my Treo. When the Kindle app was launch for the iPhone, I stop buying books on any other platform that wasn’t Amazon. I even got another Kindle that love and use until the screen broke on a trip. I never replace that Kindle because I had the iPad and the iPhone so there was no need. I was trying to make the devices be good at everything.

I had noticed already, that I was struggling to keep my focus while reading, I am not sure when, I am guessing with iOS5 something on the phone change, that make it faster to multitask, that in my case means worse for stay on one activity.

After read this post on the Kindle Touch from my friend Gretchen Hunter I decided that another Kindle was the solution to improve the focus. After read her reviews on the Kindle Touch, the Kindle4 and the Kindle fire; I pick the Kindle Touch because my goal was to read. For other stuff, I have the iPad and the iPhone.

I got the kindle touch at the beginning of this year, and had been enjoying long sessions of reading again. The Kindle is not fast, it doesn’t allow me to multitask or go to the web, but keep me in reading mode for a longer time. I also discover (I may start getting old) that I enjoy the weight and the size of the screen very much.

I am all for devices that can do many things, but there are things in witch you need to admit that: Sometimes is better the one that do one thing!

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Augusto Pinaud

Augusto Pinaud es Coach de Tecnología de Productividad Bilingüe, Especialista en Nozbe Teams. Augusto trabaja con dueños y gerentes de pequeñas empresas, ejecutivos y profesionales en productividad, tecnología y mejora de procesos utilizando una variedad de tecnologías de productividad.