If you read the definition of Hiatus on Terminology; said the following: an interruption in the intensity or amount of something
I have learn over the years that are times that the best thing you can do is stop. Slow down at least. I have also learn that are in the moments that your instinct tell you that it is the worst time to do it. That i have learn is when you must do it. So I did.
I went and purge projects, delete stuff, clarify other things and got a new perspective of all the things pending and to do in the next months.
Not to make this long, the plans of finish the edit process of my next novel “Quarry” got on hold, until I finish the translation of “The Writer” in Spanish and send it to the editor. After that I will do the translation of “Putsch” and when that get to the editor I will then finish the edits on “Quarry” a soon as that’s done, then I will translate, and release it in Spanish and English at the same time.
For the question in your head, the answer is: Yes! This delay the publication of “Quarry”, but will allow me to release the books in a better way, how they should be released. After that, you will only noticed when they get released, and nothing else.
I am exited about seeing the books in Spanish, and provide to other readers not only the experience of the book in English but also the adventure in another language.
For now, I need to go, I said I need it to slow down, but now, I need to speed up!
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