
** Originally published on www.theentrepreneurnotes.com **
We are alive, as entrepreneurs. Sometimes your eyes can be bigger than your stomach, and that has been happening to me in the last weeks, but I am back in the routine, back in the game and back in The Entrepreneur Notes.
The last weeks have been interesting, I have been really busy, but I have moved forward on some of the important projects that were landing on my lap. Of course, I have not been able to accomplish everything I should (writing on here for example) but I am happy with the result so far.
Also last week, I began reading Pamela Slim new book: Escape from Cubicle Nation: From Corporate Prisoner to Thriving Entrepreneur (http://tinyurl.com/qwotgt). It is a great book, and I think a must read for anyone already on the Entrepreneur realms or thinking about jumping on this boat. Also later on the week, I was talking to a fellow entrepreneur and friend of mine about how different our objectives are in the entrepreneurship arena, how different our goals and objectives are with our business and entrepreneurship adventures. I am creating freedom, that it is the objective of my entrepreneurship, I am escaping from cubicle nation (do not laugh, at least I am escaping to my own cubicle for now), I am creating a world in which I can work from Los Angeles today and from Timbuktu tomorrow, I want the freedom to travel, but more importantly, the freedom to enjoy my family, to be there for my family. His objectives, even though put their family high in the lists are to be part of a public elite like Bill Gates, Donald Trump or Steve Jobs.
What it is your objective as an entrepreneur?
As an entrepreneur, I am sure there are two main objectives for me, one to get out of the rat race, second to create freedom. I am sure I do not want to to create my own rat wheel, and I love the story on Pamela’s book (Location 1277-1283 on the Kindle Version) when she got the opportunity to talk to a group of people in Washington DC. After consideration of the requirements and sacrifices she had to do in order to accomplish that, she decided that she was not the right person for the job, in my words, taking that opportunity would have been equivalent to creating her own rat wheel.
It is critical as an entrepreneur that you define your objective, you want to make sure that you do not create your own rat wheel, unless that it is your objective. I love to use Mindjet MindManager, and I have created many vision boards there, including one for my entrepreneur objectives, that include the kind of attire I will wear (at this time its crocs, shorts and polo shirts); the tools I will use (macbook and my iphone); the activities that I will do to complement my job (playing Golf, Biking, reading, meditating); and the things I will do as part of the job (yes there are some that I do and will do that I will not enjoy; accounting) but the objective is to make sure that I do the ones I enjoy
Have you defined your objectives as an entrepreneur? Do you have a checklist or vision board to keep yourself in check? And make sure you do not begin building your own rat wheel. Care to share?

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Published by

Augusto Pinaud

Augusto Pinaud es Coach de Tecnología de Productividad Bilingüe, Especialista en Nozbe Teams. Augusto trabaja con dueños y gerentes de pequeñas empresas, ejecutivos y profesionales en productividad, tecnología y mejora de procesos utilizando una variedad de tecnologías de productividad.