TIP#24: Why Inbox Zero!

Many people had ask themselves this question. I don’t get my inbox to Zero for any other reason that to have a clear perspective. Most of the time those emails that I process not get done right there. I clean my inbox to gain perspective and more importantly to be able to evaluate new requests against those that are already in my plate.
Do my Inbox gets to Zero daily? No. This is specially true on times of low stress and volume. The reason is simple, if stress is low, and volume and pressures too, I have a better ability to keep a certain level of perspective. A soon as my stress, volume or pressure comes up, Inbox always go to Zero.
i.e. When things get crazy, the best policy is to slow down, not to speed up. Most people speed up. For me getting to Inbox Zero! is a way to force myself to slow down and think.

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Published by

Augusto Pinaud

Augusto Pinaud es Coach de Tecnología de Productividad Bilingüe, Especialista en Nozbe Teams. Augusto trabaja con dueños y gerentes de pequeñas empresas, ejecutivos y profesionales en productividad, tecnología y mejora de procesos utilizando una variedad de tecnologías de productividad.