I am aware that I have been missing in action, I am aware that my last post was long time ago. I am not apologizing. I like the next guy struggle sometimes, one of the reasons I read and write a lot about productivity is because I need it more that most of the people I know.
I am at this moment working on a revamp of my own workflow, to allow more time to this blog, while I keep all the things I am doing and the rest of the things I am doing that I don’t want to stop doing plus a couple of important projects in witch I have been bad about.
In other good things, my next book is out of my hands, and should be back at the end of the month to fix the editor comments. I also begin writing the next one, that will be a continuation of the second novel, and I hope to have it in Amazon, Kobo, Sony Store and Apple iBookstore by the end of the year, as well as in paperback.
After that, I am planning to begin working on the translation ofm the previously published novels, and a couple of non fiction books (2012 folks, I don’t do miracles, even when I try).
But regarding this blog, I am trying to figure it out what to put in here, what to accomplish in this place to make it better, so if you have any ideas let me know, any clue will be highly appreciated.
In the mean time, I am trying to move back into this place,and will be doing some adjustments, so if you like or dislike the changes please let me know…
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