Book Mention: Perfect Copy

Judith Gaines make you wonder on Perfect Copy if you will make it or not. You get into the shoes of Brina, a person that had recently loose husband and kid, and take Roman a especial 4 year old kid. The problem is that Roman is especial in a different sense, in ways that Brina couldn’t even imagine.
When I began reading the book something happened that didn’t fit, subtle, but it didn’t fit I was mad that I didn’t see more but happy that I noticed, since I am aware that for many people will be invisible.
This is a nice read, I had fun, there was a lot of tension and it was fast paced. I am looking forward to read more works from Judith Gaynes in the future. In the mean time read here the blurb of the book, and stop in Amazon or SmashWords and grab your copy. The only thing I wish is that the book will be available in Paperback so I can send it as a present to a couple of people that doesn’t have readers. (I know, but there is people that had not yet discover the great thing on ebooks)
If you want to read the first chapter, you can get an excerpt from Amazon or Smashwords, or go to
The General Information:
4 Year-old Roman is more than a copy of his genetic donor.  He is better, enhanced and terrifyingly linked to a murderer.  When is perfect too perfect?  When it’s Mathew Roman.
Perfect Copy is a recent #2 Best Seller in Thriller-Suspense on
Twitter:  @jpg_writer
Judith Gaines wrote her first short story at age 10 and continued crafting words together ever since. After 9 years in broadcast news, she turned her storytelling skills to marketing and advertising. Today she is a successful Media Producer with screen credits as Producer for the NHL’s Carolina Hurricanes and the WUSA’s Carolina Courage Coach’s Shows. Her debut novel, Perfect Copy is available now at

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Augusto Pinaud

Augusto Pinaud es Coach de Tecnología de Productividad Bilingüe, Especialista en Nozbe Teams. Augusto trabaja con dueños y gerentes de pequeñas empresas, ejecutivos y profesionales en productividad, tecnología y mejora de procesos utilizando una variedad de tecnologías de productividad.