TIP #100: WRITERS: Loose the fear to the first draft

The first draft ALWAYS is bad. Relax. Many people that are starting into the writing career hoped that they will be able to write a book like in the movies. They hoped that at the end of that manuscript they will type “The End” and sent it for publishing.
The reality is that when we write the first “The End” is that the real work begin. Write the first draft is just the beginning, from there you need to write it and re-write it, but it is that first step, the creation of that poor first draft that it is going to allow us to create a book that it is worth to be read.
Many people ask me about that first draft, how to make it better. In reality it is not important, loose the fear that it is going to be bad, no one need to see it again, but without this first draft you are never going to have a book.

TIP #99: Add folding and putting away time when you do Laundry

How much do you need to do one load of laundry? In general people consider that it is approximately 30 minutes to wash and 30 minutes to dry, so One hour.
The problem is in that hour it is not considered the time that you will need to fold and put away that load, what always create piles that simply accumulates and in general never get processed for the simple reason that we did not stop for a moment to think on how much time we need.
Think about the following:

  • Washer: 30 min
  • Dryer: 30 min
  • Fold: 15 min
  • Put Away: 15 min

That it is the difference with the initial calculation, 30 minutes. Many times may be even less than that, but in reality unless that we take that time in consideration what we are going to do is continue generating piles of clean laundry that are not going to be put away by themselves. The next time that you need to do laundry, remember to consider the third part of the process: Fold and Put Away.

TIP #98: Learn to use Technology out of the Box

It is interesting that we get toys (tools) and the first thing we do is install a series of things instead of use it as it was designed, how is coming out of the box.
I understand that exist many things that simply worked better and we should use those that would improve our workflows. The problem is that in reality we assume that our current workflow it is always the best one.
Many times we should stop and reconsider if in reality is the best idea or simply we are wrong and we are wasting an opportunity to clearly improve.
One way is use for a little bit technology as it came our of the box and identify the real problem.

TIP #97: Pay attention to what your kid is paying attention and learn something

Our kids can teach us more things that we think it is possible. We waste opportunities to simply listen when our kids play and learn about the relationships they had at school, with their friends and their teachers. Many times we can even see many of the mistakes we make as parents when we see them play, because in reality they are copying what they have seen. Many of the things we do as parents we don’t do it in any mean way or with bad intentions, but we simply don’t notice the things we say or do.
i.e. I use to say the equivalent in spanish to the F word a lot until my daughter said it the first time. I grow up on a place that use that word wasn’t the worst thing on the world, but when I notice that she was using them on the those same conditions that I was using them, I decided that it was time to modify my own behavior. Now I said something like “oops” it doesn’t produce the same effect of relieve, but it sound much better when my daughter uses it.

TIP #96: The Will. Do you have one?

The will it is one of those things that no one want to use or need, much less spend the necessary time to make one. It is one of those complex things, that bring a lot of feelings and that in general people simply avoid. We leave those that we love with a lot of problems trying to decided and do what they believed we had previously decided.
I remember when we did our first will, our daughter was a month old. We did it with the objective of protect her. It is one of those things that we always believe that we have more time to do and that we will never use; until sadly it is needed.

TIP #95: Don't ever use software that doesn't backup

I talk in detail of my experience with software that doesn’t back up on my book 25 Tips for Productivity. Regardless how much technology had advance, and how easier is to do back up these days, people continue living without doing them. People is constantly loosing their data. Phones get lost, stoled, damaged and people loose all that information and hope that people will help them rebuild all that information.
If you don’t know how to set automatic backups ask, even pay someone. Don’t think on how much is that first setup going to cost you, think on how much can cost you get the information back. We think on how expensive may be to set the backup on the first place, and hope that it doesn’t happen to us. Sadly when it does and you discover you don’t have a backup how much it is going to take you to recover the information, worse how expensive it is going to be to lost that information.
It is for that reason that if the software doesn’t backup I don’t use it. The cost of recover the information is too high, in many cases it is impossible to recover.
Check the software you are putting information, on your Phone and your Tablet. Can you back them up? Can you restore the Information if you lose the phone or the tablet? If the answer is NO to any of this questions, it is the time to migrate, or find a way to backup your information. Think how expensive and hard it is going to be to replace it.

TIP #94: Playing Lego again

One of the cool things as your kids begin to grow up is that they begin using some of those cool toys you use, specially those that you remember fondly. Lego is one of those toys.
See how your kid play, and how you have grow up and are expecting your own playing time to be it is an interesting experience. I love the experience of really used your imagination, the idea that the block is more important than what the set can build, that the colors all match and the vehicles can do incredible things.
If you have the luxury of having a kid around sit and play Lego (or any other toy that will allow them to use their imagination) and remember what your imagination was able to see, dream and accomplished before you learned about fears, reality, bills and that thing people called “Real life”

TIP #93: Create an Ignore List on the iPhone

We all have phones that call that we should ignore. You know that time you gave them your phone number and since then they have call you to offer a service that you don’t want and regardless that you had request them that they please remove you from the list, they continue calling you.
Create a contact called IGNORE and add all those numbers. Next time you get a call from them your phone will tell you exactly what to do.
i.e. Since I use an iPhone you can also set an special tone for the ringtone (mine is a no noise one) and a special vibration (mine for this contact is none). The cool thing is that if I receive a call form this list of numbers, my phone don’t make a noise or vibrate. I only found out the next time I grab the phone.

TIP #92: Plan your Weekly Meals

Planning your weekly meals it is one of those things that aren’t that complicated, but that many people I have around don’t do. We go to do groceries ad get enough generic stuffs that we hope we will be able to make meals for the next seven days. Then every night we hope that we are going to get inspired enough to make those meals.
Most of the time that’s exactly the problem. We hope that after a full working day we will have enough brain power to think about a meal, prepare and cook. The reality many times is that our energy level is too low to make a good decision, so we grab a microwave solution or something that it is not necessarily the best of the options.
What I have learned is that when you plan the menu, your grocery shopping it is much more specific, and since you know what are you going to make the whole week you don’t really need much brain power to actually make the meal and you certainly had all the ingredients you need for the plate you are planning to cook. Also if you need to, you can move meals around but in general you know you will have all the ingredients and there is no need to really think anything, just cook.
i.e. I resist for years this idea and of course made poor choices constantly regarding our meals. Since I begin doing that, I have been eating much better meals and somehow had been able to save between 35% to 45% on our weekly grocery bill. So it has been really a great solution.

TIP #91: Using a NO SOUND Ringtone instead of Vibrate Mode

I am aware that I am not the only one that dislike in general the sound of their phone. I love the fact that the phone can vibrate instead of ringing like crazy. I honestly get annoyed by my own ring tone.
One of the solutions is to use the phone in “Vibrate Mode” all the time. The problem with this is that doing that you lose other sounds that the phone can make and you will like to have, like text messages or Calendar Alerts.
The solution for me was really simple, I install on my phone a NO SOUND Ringtone that I create on Garage Band. The ring tone it is simple, it had no sound. The advantage is that then I can keep my phone out of the vibrate mode most of the time, but the phone never rings, when a call came in the phone simply vibrate, but I can get sounds for Text Messages and other alerts.
Since I installed this I have rarely place my phone on vibrate mode, I don’t mind the rest of sounds, in many cases I appreciate them.