NO. My new book. Available on January 24th.

I am sure like me you have read than you should learn to say NO to others in order to increase our productivity. It’s a good idea, but not enough.
In my opinion, there are more than one NO that we should learn, actually there is a NO that we should avoid, a NO that we should learn to use and the NO we need to learn to use.
We don’t know how to use the word NO appropriately with ourselves nor with others; the result is that we say more NO’s when we should said “YES” and more “YES” when we should had say “NO”. Only when you learn to use NO appropriately to yourself, you will be able to apply it to others.
My intention is to show you that there is not a unique NO, your adventure will be to use them properly.

TIP#22: Create a list to track the books you read

When we talk about reading, avid readers tend to underestimate how many books they read and non-avid readers tend to overestimate it. The solution is simple, track it.
You can do it on places like Shelfari or GoodReads or in a simple list. I have a simple list since 2007, every book, every year.
i.e. I begin having the list, because as an avid reader I was convinced that I wasn’t reading enough. I had read more than 340 books since.

TIP#21: Always put a timer when putting things on the stove

We ignore the potential risk of putting things on the stove and go to our next task. Always put a timer when putting things on the stove, it may save your life.
I had burned my fare share of stuff on the stove, mostly because I get distracted on more important stuff, or more fun stuff, or simply because I pay little attention. I have toss pans and more. The last time that happen the house stank for days.
20120304-232536i.e. My daughter need it to bring something that began with the letter “E” the next day, and I decided to send her with an “egg”. I put the Pan, the egg and totally forgot about it. I went to bed and honestly if our French Mastiff had not make a mess that night, our house may had burned down (She is not Lassie, but that night behave like it, except that I could not understand her, until I reached the kitchen). It was a wake up call. Since, every time I put anything on the stove, I put the timer.
i.e. This was the result of that night.

TIP #20: iOS VIP and the new way to Read email

When iOS 6 was introduced, Apple launch VIP. This feature basically allow you to get selected contacts into an special category. I am a big proponent of not checking email unless you are going to process it, but understand that sometimes, you just need to. In general open email to find land mines only generate stress. But if you must, only check your VIP folder. This will allow you to define what an important email and from who will consider your attention and therefore you will be aware constantly.
Also remember that because someone got VIP treatment on an specific moment doesn’t mean that they should stay there permanently. Move people in and out of status as may fit well. In my personal case, only my wife had kept her status since day one.
P.S In iOS you can also set so it only notified you with a badge (the little number on the right corner) if you receive VIP email. Disable any other badge, therefore no need to review constantly. I just want to be notified when a VIP had sent me an email, otherwise, when I get some time to process my email I will check.

TIP #19: Writers: Music or no-music

I need loud music. Music for me means the difference between 1,000 words in two hours or 3,000 in the same amount of time. Also for me music need to be loud, therefore I carry good headphones always with me.
Also I had discover that not any music works, I need different music stiles and languages depending what I am writing. If you need music to write, learn which one and for what kind of writing. In my case, I need music in spanish when I write in English and in english when I write in Spanish.
If you need no-music, try a white noise track, most likely you will discover that the result will be simply incredible.
i.e. I have playlists in the iPhone for writing, not complicated to do, but the difference is incredible. Also remember to remove those that annoy you. No need to have bad music with you.
i.e. Pay attention if you need instrumental or classic music, the orchestra and the director can change everything. I hyper focus on Beethoven Symphony No. 9 with the Berlin Philharmonic and Von Karajan directing; but not on other versions.

If this is true (and I believe it is) we write a novel worth of emails every year

My friend Michael Sliwinski (link) recently a post from Paris Lemon where the claim is that we probably write a novel worth of emails every year.
I believe this may be true.
The Good News is that if you query all those email you can publish your first novel.
The Bad News I don’t think anyone will like to read it.
I have been a big proponent to learn to type, I mentioned in my book 25 Tips for Productivity and I practice constantly, even that I probably type faster than the average, my goal is to type more than 100 words per minute.
I just want to let you with some numbers to reflect over the weekend, (especially for those that don’t need to learn, because they don’t type long enough)
It is consider a novel when a book is over 50,000 words. Let’s assume as Paris Lemon said that we type 50,000 words worth of email every year.
If you type:
15 words per minute you need 3,333.33 minutes (55.55 hours)
20 words per minute you need 2,500 minutes (41.66 hours)
40 words per minute you need 1,250 minutes (20.84 hours)
60 words per minute you need 833 minutes (13.89 hours)
84 words per minute you need 595.24 minutes (9.9 hours)
100 words per minute you need 500 minutes (8.33 hours)
Just imagine you can improve from 20 words per minute to 84 words per minute… You will suddenly found 31 hours this year. Instead of this, people will use in average 42 hours to write those emails and wonder how the people that type 84 words per minute can leave work earlier.

TIP #18: Scan (or take a picture) of your Kids Party Invitations

I tend to scan them and send them to Evernote to a folder for my kids files. How many times you have place the invitation in the door of the refrigerator just to be buried under the other hundred things you place in there. A much better practice is to take the minute that will take to make a picture of the invitation and add to the calendar the party information. At least Party on the Calendar. You know know where the invitation is, the guess work is done.

i.e. If you just take the picture, but don’t write it down in the calendar, you will forgot most likely. If you don’t have the two minute to finish the process, just dump it on your Inbox.

TIP #17: From PaperBooks to eBooks

I love books, but love much more reading. I have read more than 340 books since 2007, and most likely the rate wasn’t much less before, I just never track them before then. (My mother use to said that I was a library rat). While I was doing my MBA, I could not afford many books, so I leave a bookmark on the book I was reading (In the Barnes and Noble Store). I end up being friend with the manager of that Barnes and Noble in Pueblo, Colorado. He was really kind and allow me to kept the book I was reading behind the counter. (So people stop removing the bookmark. Some people is so rude) I bough all the books I could, I just could not afford that many. At that time, I think I was reading well over two books per week. That said, I had so many books in a time, that every time we need to move, it was simply put a pain. I begin moving from PaperBooks to eBooks on 2002. I made the real jump in 2008 with the Kindle. We went from thirty boxes of books to two on our last move. (We had move twelve times since 2000, because of our jobs)
I continue reading like a maniac, but now I don’t keep that many paper books. I know many people that say they will never read on eBooks. My advice is try it. You will be amaze. Also you can always buy in paper all those that you really love.
The best I have heard on this discussion of people that like or not ebooks is the following from Andy Ihnatko:

“Books are for people who likes books. Ebooks are for people who likes reading.”

i.e. As I wrote this, my library from the original Peanut Press is now in a Barnes and Noble Account, it was fun to see all those old books, same happiness that in the past I got from PaperBooks, without the weight and the space. (Out of all those books, I picked one to re-read. I would had pay happily for it again)

Working on MY iPad: Cursor Dual Editor for iPad

I have been asking for an application like this for years. Finally a developer is kind enough to build it. I am not familiar with Shigeto Takagi, but finally someone design an app that you can work with two documents on the iPad at the same time.
In my wish list, continue that I can open those documents from Dropbox and iCloud, that I have word count, can choose to use one screen only and dark interface for long writing. That will make the application my day to day application. I will delete the others, immediately.
In the mean time at least I can use this on those occasions that I want to have two texts, or the outline on one side and the text I am writing on the other.
The application works only on plain text that it is perfect and allow you to email the content when you finish.
This may seem as simple stuff, but it is a great tools for writers and more. This has come to be one of my favorite applications to take notes, I love that I can naturally split my notes, for example write on the write my notes and on the left my actions.
I wish more developers follow Shigeto Takagi steps and work into this dual concept, since they are things that really this dual screen is an incredible advantage.
I wish I could get the ads from the bottom, I will happily pay for a premium product, and wish that instead of Free I would had been able to pay the developer.
In the mean time, download it and give it a ride.
iPad Version (Free)
<a href=”
“>iPhone Version ($1.99)

TIP #16: Find your limits. Find your Loves. Respect them deeply.

Most people ignore their loves and limits. They walk trough life hoping instead. It is critical to discover your limits. Every time you cross one of those limits, your energy gets depleted at a extremely higher rate. If you ignore them, you simply kill yourself slowly (even that it will be really fast).
Equally people ignore their loves, they hope that someday, after fifty or so years of work they will be able to find them. Your loves also died if you ignore them, and they are critical too. When you give attention to your loves you get energized again.
Your Limits and Loves are what allow you to keep flourishing and managing your energy. Like the Yin and Yan. It is important that you discover them, and critical that you respect them. Your life may depend of it.
i.e. I love to read, give me energy, make me feel good (even bad books) I have people close to me, getting to my attention if I stop reading for any reason.
i.e.2. Find my loves and my Limits had allow me to recharge faster, avoid burn out, and improve the quality of my life all around. Spend the necessary time identifying those, it will change your life forever.