Is your business having a Sales Prevention Program?

I am a sales manager, I have been making my living selling technology for the last 7 years, in Latin America, the US and Canada. I am always impress by the amount of Sales Prevention Programs available in so many big and small companies.
The Sales Prevention Program are all those activities that are done that keep people from making sales, the internal endless meetings for example; the planning for the sales process instead of actually making sales, are two typical and common examples.
In many cases, businesses struggle with sales, not because they don’t have a great product, not because they don’t produce excellent results on the projects they embark, but because they don’t sale, the have in place a Sales Prevention Program, they lack any system or investment of time, or process for the sales.
Sales are hard, they are hard to do, hard to make, and hard to keep them coming, they require time, and effort, if your sales process is not growing, your sales are dying.
Internal meetings, are another typical Sales Prevention Program, that many organizations had, lets meet for product inventory, or to brainstorm, or to discuss the lack of performance, or the quarter numbers, or many other examples, those tend to be call Sales Meeting, but in reality are all but sales, they are Sales Prevention Programs called Sales Meetings, Sales Meetings are opportunities to train, to improve Sales abilities, to improve technique, to practice sales, not for anything else.
Are you doing Sales Prevention Programs or you are making Sales Improvement Programs?
When was the last time, you pick the phone and make a cold call, or spend 15 minutes researching a possible costumer and make the call, or call your costumer and propose a new project, when was the last time you use your time to sell something? If you can’t recall when, most likely you have a Sales Prevention Program in place. Many Small Business owners, because of fear, establish these Sales Prevention Programs, they don’t trust their Sales Team, or lack a Sales Team because they have a great product, and they will be able to sell when need it, or in the time that sales slow down, begin trying to help their sales force, and sometimes they are good at sales, but in many cases, they get to be their biggest obstacle, they get to the point that it is more difficult to sell internally than to the costumer, they without their knowledge establish a great Sales Prevention Program.
Do you incentive sales, of do you have the best Sales Prevention Program of your industry?

Having the right technology, change everything

Recently I was having a phone conversation with a good friend of mine, we where geeking out about devices, phones, laptops, the iPad and other devices.
Not so long ago I use to lust (gadget lust) about all of them, I spend countless hours researching on the web, saving money, testing devices, but last night was different, ok for a while had been different, I just got remind of this last night. I do not have this gadget lust anymore for a lot of these devices. My turning point, my original iPhone, 2008.
Before I got my iPhone, I had a Palm, a Treo and I was always on the search for the next improvement, the next cool device, the iPhone was the end of that search. I got my original iPhone and only upgrade to the iPhone 3GS because my original one was in really bad shape, otherwise I will have keep it.
The change to the iPhone, bring me to test again the Mac platform. I had test the Mac platform on 2007, but at the time I was heavily invested on the Microsoft Patform, and having a Treo, I quickly discover that my new Mac and my Treo did not play well together, actually was that the main reason I let go the original Macbook to my wife. After the iPhone came, and I began distancing more and more form Microsoft products and platform the change to the Mac in 2009 was as easy as I would have dreamed originally on 2007.
The interesting thing is that since I move to the Mac, the geek lust had been dying little by little. I think the aluminum Macbook is beatiful, as well as the MacBook Air, but I am in no hurry to replace my White Macbook yet.
I was trying to expliain this to my friend, when he pulled the iPad card. Would I get an iPad, most likely, eventually. Will I be getting an iPad on day one. Unlikely. The reason is simple, I do not see yet, how the iPad will change my workflow, a soon as I see it, most likely I will do the investment, but as an reader platform is not enough, I type fast enough on the iPhone (actually this post has been written and review on the iPhone) and for heavy lifting I have my Mac. I read over 50 books a year on the iPhone. I will test the iBookstore, if it is available for the iPhone, I am satisfy with the Kindle Platform, and I honestly will continue reading more on the iPhone, because it is always with me. I am not worried to leave Amazon behind if the iBookStore is better than the Kindle, I did that already once with my friends of ereader, so I have no problems on leaving my books behind. Actually I can read on the ereader in the iPhone, just is not as great as the Kindle app for some reason.
But the big change is on discovering the right technology, and when you get to the right technology, you will be willing to evaluate new one, only when the problem arrives or the proposition for better workflow or productivity is present, there is no geek lust, or at least there is not geek lust-need-to-get-it.
I have a friend that had a collecion of almost every iPod that has come to the market. Recently upgrade to the iPhone. I am waiting for the next iPod release to see the change on her geek lust, I am expecting that we are not going to find it there.
Did I beleive Apple are the only ones making the right technology?, no. But I am going to say that my Mac life is more relaxed and works better than my PC life ever did, I don’t miss the registry, or the installers, or the driver issues, I am sold on the simplicity and the premise that my Mac Works.
At the time of this writing, I had finally discover the right technology for me, and have worked for me for more than 12 months, that in technology terms is almost incredible, I am sure will change, will evolve, but for now, will stay as it is.

Stop that Good Work.

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Last night I was reading Purple Cow, New Edition: Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable–Includes new bonus chapter by Seth Godin, when he said something that make me think:

The opposite of


is very good

On the same lines Michael Bungay Stanier on his book Do More Great Work: Stop the Busywork. Start the Work That Matters., when he said that:

You should stop doing

Good Work and begin doing

more Great Work.

I am guilty of this, on more occasions that I am ready to admit on this forum, I am guilty of focus on the good or very good instead of the extraordinary, this focus on the good or the very good limit the amount ofextraordinaire stuff we can do, and while a lot of good stuff is done, and we are accomplishing a lot, we are just one more on the pile, and sadly you will only be noticed when you are out of the pile. You need to get to an extreme, on one extreme you will be noticed because the big lack of performance on the other because you are extraordinaire, if you are good or very good, you are invisible, so:

Stop that good work,

and be Extraordinaire!

Where are your Goals?

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Where are your Goals? and how do you know if you are going to reach them? How do you know if you are in the right track?

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Image Courtesy of

I have talk in the past about writing everything down in here
When I begin writing everything down, I begin to be accomplish goals, it is true that were your attention goes, result shows, I have been able to quit smoking, to read more, spend quality time in other areas of my life, not without mistakes, not without miscalculations, but I have been able to accomplish them, and everything began when I wrote my goals down.
You want to accomplish anything? Write it down and revise it constantly, and you will. I have my goals separated in three categories, Personal, Family and Career. I check them often, I read them often, for only one reason, it is the only way that I know that I can get back on track to accomplish them.
I had a the beginning of this year a reading goal, 24 books. Usually I am able to read more, (last year count 38) The reason I got the number lower was because we have a new Baby and I did not knew how much time I was going to be able to spend reading. In June, I raise the goal, to 52. (As this writing I have read 37). I understand you do not want to track the number of books you read, because you read for pleasure, but I have discover that if I do, even that I read for pleasure, I find the time to read, I find more time if I write it down as a goal that if I am not.
Same thing happen with goals, when you write them down, you bring them to your attention and you begin working on them, you begin unconscious make little steps towards the completion of the goal.
So were are your goals. In your mind. Great! Mine are written down, and your should be written down now, in fact you should begin written them now. Go grab a piece of paper, and a pen and written down. I will be waiting for you.
Did you wrote them down? Go and do it is important.
Now the challenge, read this goals for the next week everyday. After that you will see how much you move towards them, comparing to before, in most cases, you will get more closer to this goals in this week, that what you have done in the last month.

6 things my baby remind me about Entrepreneurship

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Vincent Van Gogh First Steps
Our baby is learning to walk, she is able to hold to things and move around. She is a fast crawler, but walking is the next step for her, she look at us proud when she stand up. Last night was not the exception on that, I was watching her, and suddenly hit me, watching her remind me something about entrepreneurship.
This are the six things that she remind me about entrepreneurship:
1.- Be proud of your accomplishments, even if when you have not reach the objective yet. Every time she standup, she looks proud of herself, on Entrepreneurship is the same, be proud of your accomplishments, even when they appear to be minor, and you can easily repeat them.
2.- Crawling is familiar, but standing up allow you to have a better view. She is a fast crawler, but she insist on standing up, she insist on seeing the world as a big girl. Don’t wait to be a big girl, learn, practice and experience the world as if you were, will be less painful when you get there.
3.- No matter how many times you fell, you try again. It amazes me, every time she feel, she just get back to whatever she is using as a support and standup again. The Entrepreneur route is hard, if you are not ready to fail, better don’t try it. You will fell and fail in the way of the Entrepreneur, but you will also succeed and celebrate.
4.- Sometimes is ok, to Crawl to move faster. Even that you are learning to do new things, sometimes is ok to crawl to move faster, but remember to get back to trying to walk again, so you get other opportunities. As an Entrepreneur, you will need to get to old ways to accomplish certain things, but remember to evolve, all those should be temporarily, and make sure that they are not for-life-temporarily.
5.- Hold yourself to a guide, but you must try to walk by yourself. She can’t walk by herself yet, but she is trying hard. She hold herself to something and try to walk all the time. When an Entrepreneur begin, it is really hard to sustain the adventure by itself, it is ok to hold to your old job, or your security, but do not let the dream go away, do not forget to try to walk by yourself.
6.- No matter how hard walking looks, if you try hard, eventually you will make it. I remember when she try the first times to stand up, was a challenge, was difficult, but she try, try again, and again. Now she stand up fast and easy. Remember, your adventure at the beginning will be hard, but only trying again and again will make it look easier.
Entrepreneurship is difficult, is as difficult as it is for my daughter to learn to walk, but she is trying hard, and you should try hard too. Again if you are not going to try hard, why even try in the first place?

Is part of your job as the boss to make them feel special?

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One of the interesting things in employment, that most Entrepreneurs and Business Owners forget, is your employee satisfaction, many times you forget that it is not the salary or the extra perks you think can’t afford, it is the little things.

You read about places like Google and Oracle, where their employees are pampered, and think it is impossible for you as an small business owner or entrepreneur to match them; and in a way it is true, but you are looking at the problem from the wrong perspective. Your employees satisfaction are directly related with their productivity, a happy employee will stay later, will put more effort in their job, will walk the extra mile barefoot, an unhappy one, not so much.
Do you think, that you need to spend millions, to make this people happy, let me prove you wrong for a moment. Have you think on Pizza Fridays, Good Free Coffee, Cold Water on the Summer, one Friday afternoon off after a good month?
As a Small Business Owner and Entrepreneur, your resources are limited, but that doesn’t mean that your motivation need to be too, it has been proven on many studies that it is one of the most expensive things on your business is a employee that leave and the consequent need to train the new one. The problem with many entrepreneurs and small business owners is that they try to get this employee back after he cross the line, after he is ready to leave. The problem is that without realizing that after that employee cross that line, it is a matter of time, yes more money will make him or her reconsidering the offer, but the decision is made, employees leave their job because dissatisfaction, and after all those things that bother you as an employee are out, no one can hide them again anymore.
But again, how expensive is to show thanks, to show that you appreciate your team, offer pizza once in a while, and make your employee feel that the job they do, make your business better?
Again most entrepreneurs and small business owners thinks, that it is really expensive, without realizing that at the time this employee quits, you are going to offer them all that money and more.
Stop for a moment, and reflect on this, how much cost you to bring lunch this friday for the whole company? How much is going to cost you to send a thank you note on August 30th to all your employees for the effort on the difficult month? How much is their productivity and happiness affecting your bottom line? Do you think pizza is expensive, an unhappy good employee is thousand times more expensive, yes the one that it is unhappy, but the job is good enough, and again, if that employee had not cross the line yet, trust me, a cheap thanks, a little of attention and make them feel special will go a great way on reel him back, and get that productivity back. If your employee cross the line, sorry, their is no return, after you cross the no return point, no one can reel you back.
What are you going to do to bring productivity up? How much is the cost on list productivity versus the pizza tis friday?

Running from the Bull. It is Social Media running towards your business.

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Social Media is an interesting animal, you go to Facebook, Linkedin, Twiiter or Friendfeed and can connect to many people in the world, more importantly if you are an entrepreneur you can even connect with your customers, suppliers and vendors. Risky business, no question about it. Social Media is like a bull, and you are in Pamplona streets, doesn’t matter if you are ignoring the bull, you are in the streets anyways, eventually you will need to run.
One of the problems with Social Media, is that the distinction between personal and professional is blurry, if you get out in the open with Social Media, people will find your company, your person, and tied them together, no more distinction between my day job and my life after work.
In my case, among other things, I write, but I am also a Sales Manager, doesn’t matter how good or bad is our Social Media involvement, eventually people tied them both, eventually, people find both feeds, eventually, people learn that your baby did not allow you to sleep and that you are happy for a great deal you just sign, unless, you decided to hide from the Bull.
Close your Twiiter, close your Facebook, close your linked in account, or embrace them, show the real you, take the risk, and get ready to run, because, with Social Media as well as the people in Pamplona during the Bull days, or you run, or you will need to confront that Bull one on one.
Are you ignoring Social Media? The bull? Are your shoes tied?

Move on! Thanks for Stoping by.

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big-swiss-army-knifeI have been always impress how people get stuck, trust me sometimes I get stuck too, but I try to pay attention and move on, some people simply can’t, they are unable to make a decision and even after a decision is made, they come back, and begin the process again. Life move too fast to be slowing down, make the decision, and move on, if need it after implementation, move back adjust and move on again, but do not stop, do not get stuck.

I understand, make decisions is one of the most difficult things people do, but you need to learn to make them and move on, the risk of stopping by is too high, and most likely by the time you finally make the decision the original set of premises has change and you need to go to square one, in the mean time, the people that can take decisions, are far, they have move on, evaluate, adjust, reevaluate and won the race.
Got a sour moment at work, move on, leave the job, or move on, but you cannot just stuck yourselves in the same situation, got a sour moment with a client, leave the account or move on, while you are getting stuck, your competition is eating your lunch, while you are stuck complaining about the difficult of the moment, the sad it was, or the unfair, people is moving.
Move on!, stop bringing the unfair, the sadness, the difficulty, stop trying to get even, stop loosing your life. If you are not growing you are dying, if you are stuck, guess what, you are dying.
I can rant the next paragraphs about the economy, how your sales had come down, how upper management project makes no sense, how it is hard for me to write this, about how terribly my grammar was on that email to my costumer, yes that email for the important deal, I can even write about how tough had been the last eight months of the years, how low sales are, how bad is everything, well thanks for sharing, now Move on!
Thanks for sharing, thanks for stopping by. Go to the comments now, leave your rant, after that Move On! Thanks for stopping by!

Work in Progress. No Shining objects allowed.

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work_in_progressSometimes you just let life go, don’ push forward, don’t push back, just go were life gets you, you get yourself in stand by. While many people consider this stage something temporal, people is not aware of the risks that this stand by state of mind has for them, they just loose the fuel on their backs, and even though the ideas continue flowing the actions did not show up, after they try to move, they discover that would have been easier to keep moving than begin again, not only that, they found themselves on a desperation stage. Otherwise why do you think they begin moving again.

Entrepreneur suffer from this, stop pushing for sales, and begin expecting for them to go, stop creating new messages for marketing, because the great one is coming, or start getting into many new adventures that the focus gets diluted.
I am not saying that as an Entrepreneur you can’t have more than one activity, I am saying that unless you are moving forward, yes actually moving forward, on all of them, all that you re doing is going around and around in the same circle, if your business is not growing, is dying.
Entrepreneurs, freeze out of fear, stop trying to sell the product, stop trying to bring a new marketing ideas, stop trying to bring more money, or simply money out of the adventure they are in or they begin placing their focus on other adventures, that are going to save the day. The problem with that in many occasions just create a bigger problem that the problem they originally had.
Success is measure in actions, if you are not moving, you are failing, if you are not selling more you fail, if you have no new marketing ideas, you fail, if your actions are not clearly moving forward the adventure, you fail. I am not saying that the best thing sometimes people can do is close a chapter and let it go, even some adventures that are in cruise control, can be let go, but understand that if they do not grow they will die.
Entrepreneurs, tend to suffer from this, some people call it the shinning object syndrome, the entrepreneur will follow the shinier object, sometimes without measuring the consequences.
How can you as an Entrepreneur can avoid this, well I promise that a soon as I discover I will write about it, for now I am keeping a list of active actions, projects and initiatives, and set the important tasks that I need to move forward, and I am sure that I am not embarking any new adventures, until some of this activities can be on cruise control, handed to someone that keep it growing, or that I am simply willing to let go. In the mean time, this plate is full, I appreciate you are sharing your shinning object, but please keep it away, we are working in here, no shinning objects allowed.
How are you avoiding the shinning objects, and keep your actions moving you forward to your objectives?

Your filter eat my email

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email-spamYears ago, I learn to set filters to help me manage my inbox, on those days I was on the over 250 emails daily and honestly was impossible for me to keep up otherwise, I honestly do not had the time to touch any email more than once. I have been keeping my inbox in zero since the end of 2003, I was managing 7 inboxes, and getting inbox zero  every 24 to 48 hours.
The trick for me was priority, and learn to filter stuff. At that time I was working on Outlook, today I work on a Mac, but my filter setup is the same, even that I do not have the same volume I use to have, I have learn that filters can save you an incredible amount of time.
I set filter got high priority mails, my boss, my top costumers, emails that I am CCd that do not come from the previous categories, (trust me if the boss or the top costumer CCd me, I want to read it). Each one of this filters move my emails to folders I work first, the rest of the emails keep on the inbox for a review.
After I clean those emails, I continue to moving to the next step, I have filters for ezines and subscriptions, that go to another folder, a low priority one.
After all this pre-clasification is done, the amount of noise get really identify, if it is noise, I just create a rule, to get that email directly in the trash, I do not even try to unsubscribe, in my experience, that imply another set of emails that I am not interested in read, a rule that move it to the trash is more more effective.
This help me get those spam emails, some of them self inflicting spam, but spam at the end of the day, move out my view and allow me to keep with my life, trust me, after I got rid of those, there is no much noise left, the time to set up each filter less than 5 minutes, the improvement in productivity, hours.
Now If I can get my iphone to learn those rules…